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View and opinions from our team, partners and collaborators

A new tool to help ICBs allocate general practice funding more equitably – introducing eFIT

In this blog, we introduce eFIT, a tool that helps Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) allocate funding more equitably by considering socio-economic factors. By addressing inequalities in general practice funding, eFIT aims to provide additional resources to practices serving disadvantaged communities, working towards fairer health care outcomes for all.

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How do the Conservative and Labour manifestos measure up in terms of health inequalities? 

The manifestos have been published, but what are they likely to mean for health and care inequalities? Let’s take a closer look and examine the underlying evidence.

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Why political parties need to address health inequalities before the elections 

The NHS is one of the key issues which will decide how the electorate votes in the UK general election this July. [1] Political parties are signalling that they share this concern with pledges for reducing waiting times, improving healthcare through technology and innovation, and increasing workforce and capacity. In parallel, major public health charities, […]

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Improving health is a political choice but how do we make it a shared political goal?

It was striking to read the devastating results of the last fifteen years of austerity policies on the future of the NHS in the recent BMJ Commission, all within less than nine pages [1]. The numbers are telling; declining life expectancy, deteriorating physical and mental health of young children, and increasing infant and child deaths disproportionately […]

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What works to tackle ethnic inequalities through anti-racist interventions

BMJ Open has recently published an in-depth review examining anti-racist interventions to address ethnic inequalities in healthcare. In this blog, two of the review’s authors reflect on what this means for primary care.

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The path to recovery: The crucial role of my GP in overcoming schizophrenia post brain haemorrhage

In this blog, a member of our Citizens’ Panel highlights the pivotal role of a dedicated GP in guiding their recovery from a life-changing condition. They emphasise the transformative impact of compassionate healthcare and support in navigating both physical and mental health challenges.

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Navigating self-referrals to mental health services

In this blog, one of our Citizen Panel members reflects on their experience of using self-referral for seeking mental health care.

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Inequality/equality cog

Welcome to the Health Equity Evidence Centre                

Despite decades of evidence about health and care inequalities, there has been little progress in addressing them. Stand-out successes in the UK include the cross-government strategy on health inequalities in the 2000s which reduced the gap in life expectancy and infant mortality and the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccinations across minority ethnic groups.  A fundamental reason why […]

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