Our collaborators
We fundamentally believe that building an equitable society requires interdisciplinary research across multiple organisations. If your organisation is interested in joining our collaboration please get in touch.

An academic centre of excellence based in east London with a wealth of health inequalities research experience. Many of our team are based in the University’s Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG) within the Wolfson Institute of Population Health.

The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information Centre is based at the Social Science Research Unit within the UCL Social Research Institute, a department of IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society.

Health Innovation East is funded by the NHS and the Office for Life Sciences to bring together academia, citizens, health services and industry to realise the value of innovations more quickly.

The team of researchers at the University of Sheffield led the FAIRSTEPS study examining what works to address inequalities in primary care which has informed our work and we have continued to partner with them through the Health Equity Evidence Centre.

At the University of Cambridge we work with Cambridge Public Health, an Interdisciplinary Research Centre that builds connections between researchers, fosters collaborations with health professionals working outside of academia and conducts research that improves the health and wellbeing of populations.

Newcastle University is a leading academic centre in the study of health inequalities undertaking innovative research to improve population health and reduce inequalities locally, nationally and globally.

Deep End: East of England is a network of people serious about improving the health and wellbeing of those communities living in the most deprived areas across the East of England.

FAIRHEALTH is a charity that offers a range of resources and training, designed to enable healthcare professionals to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to work in areas of deprivation, with marginalised patients, and to reduce inequalities.

Deep End North East North Cumbria (NENC) is a network for GPs and other primary care staff who work in practices in the most socioeconomically deprived areas of the North East and North Cumbria (NENC). Through a partnership between local primary care and public health professionals, the NIHR NENC Applied Research Collaboration, the NENC ICB and the North of England Care System Support (NECS) it works to address healthcare inequalities and advocate for wider systemic change in healthcare funding.

The Royal College of General Practitioners is the professional body for general practitioners in the United Kingdom. The RCGP represents and supports GPs on key issues including licensing, education, training, research and clinical standards. Between 2022-2025, Health Inequalities is one of the RCGP’s four main strategic priorities. The RCGP Health Inequalities Hub can be found here.

The Deep End Yorkshire Humber network of individuals are committed to addressing health inequalities through the WEAR framework: Workforce, Education, Advocacy and Research. Patients, the public and communities are integral to everything the network does. It consults regularly with patients and communities in various geographical locations of the UK including the Deep End Research Alliance (DERA) Yorkshire and Humber Patient Participation group.

North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System is a partnership of organisations including local councils, voluntary and community services that provide health and care across the region. Led by the NHS Integrated Care Board it works collectively to achieve better health and wellbeing for all, joining up resources and expertise to provide the best health and care for local communities.